
Saturday, 21 November 2015

Silly jokes or game changers? A live international

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A live comparison between different international political memes. Aim of the discussion is to compare the characteristics and political impact of political memes from different countries with participants of re:publica. Result should a first step towards a clearer perspective on the value of political memes.

Silly jokes or game changers? A live international comparison of political memes. The last year’s elections around the world, from the US to Egypt, have witnessed the same phenomenon: the political meme. Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, David Cameron, Mark Rutte Mohamed Morsi, Angela Merkel, Hillary Clinton and many others have all been memed.Although the internet is known for crossing borders and the texts from Hillary are world famous, it is interesting to compare these different international memes with each other.

Where did political memes have a real impact on the political debate? Who was behind the memes? Did they reach mainstream media? On which platform were they shared? It is time to com…


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Silly jokes or game changers? A live international

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